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Los Procesos de Contratación

de Forma FáciI

From selection until the contract, manage and control the whole hiring process effortlessly.

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Organiza tus puestos vacantes y las aplicaciones de empleo.

Configure your dashboard, promote your job-opening listings follow up easily on applications sent. Create a database of all candidates for future reference.

It is not necessary to oursource your recruitment process: manege everything internally simply and professionally.

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Seguimiento de oferta

  Vea qué canal impulsa la mayoría de las aplicaciones.

Assign a new email to each job postingso as to organize your applications more easily.

If candidates apply directly using the email or online format, data will be automatically indexed accordingly, making it easier for you to organize and follow up on applications. Facilitate the process by creating automated but personalized email templates to answer your prospects.

Personaliza tu proceso de reclutamiento:

Define tus propias etapas y entrevistadores.

Utiliza la vista kanban y personaliza los pasos de tus procesos de selección: pre-calificación, primera entrevista, segunda entrevista, negociación, etc. Consigue estadísticas exactas de tu cartera de selección.

Utilize reports to compare the results of your listings posted in different locations so as to see which one returns the best results 8if you post in indeed, facebook, linkedin etc... Thus allowing you to improve the process in the future.

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Documentos integrados 

Define tu propio proceso de manejo de documentos.

 Create your positions and post them.

 Recieve the fist applications.

 Encuentra los documentos completos en la aplicación Documentos.

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